Iterm2 setup
Iterm2 setup

iterm2 setup
  1. #Iterm2 setup install#
  2. #Iterm2 setup code#

Open iTerm2 and press Command + ,Key to open the Preferences configuration interface, then Profiles → Keys → Load Preset.

iterm2 setup

Originally it is not effective and needs to be turned on manually. Mainly hold option + → or ←The key is used to switch between the beginning and end of the command. The color value I modified is: 586e75, Example: Sometimes because the color of the auto-fill is very similar to the background color, so that the auto-fill has no effect, we can manually change the color configuration of the auto-fill. Note: The above statement is highlighted, if the configuration does not take effect, in pluginsConfigure, add zsh-syntax-highlightingTry the plug-in. Then edit vim ~/.zshrcFile, find pluginsConfigure, increase zsh-autosuggestionsPlug-in. $ git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions Special commands and error commands will be highlighted. The effect is as shown in the screenshot above.

#Iterm2 setup code#

Open VS Code and press Command + ,Key, open user configuration, search fontFamily, And then increase the configuration on the right "": "Meslo LG M for Powerline", Example: In addition, the terminal font of VS Code also needs to be configured. Of course, if you feel the default 12pxThe font size is inappropriate, you can modify it yourself. Then open iTerm2, press Command + ,Key to open the Preferences configuration interface, then Profiles -> Text -> Font -> Chanage Font, Select Meslo LG M Regular for Powerline font.

#Iterm2 setup install#

To use the above theme, Meslo font support is required, otherwise there will be garbled characters, font download address: Meslo LG M Regular for Powerline.ttfĪfter downloading, install it directly in Mac OS. The effect is as follows (with statement highlighting configured): Then we edit vim ~/.zshrcFile, modify the theme configuration to ZSH_THEME="agnoster"。ĪgnosterIt is one of the more commonly used zsh themes, you can choose the theme you like, zsh themes list:

Iterm2 setup